• Liver biopsy: To assess the degree of fibrosis in the liver tissue such as in chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, etc.
• Kidney biopsy: To see the changes of basement membrane of glomeruli
• Tumour: To distinguish collagen and smooth muscle in tumours
The staining of a particular tissue by a particular dye depends on the size, molecular weight, ionic character and network of the molecules of the tissue. Similarly the molecular weight and ionic character of the dye are important. Dye of lower molecular weight will penetrate the tissue more easily and will stain all the components of the tissue. The dye of medium molecular weight will penetrate only through the muscle and collagen (leaving RBC uncoloured), whereas the more higher molecular dye will penetrate only through collagen, and muscle fibres will not be stained at all. So the basic thing is that the smaller dye molecule will stain the tissue, and when the larger dye molecule penetrates the tissue, then it will replace the smaller dye from the tissue. In Masson trichrome stain, the dyes of different molecular weights are used in sequential manner. Acid fuchsin dye is used to stain both muscle and collagen tissue together. The staining time is kept for optimum duration so that the dye stains the muscle and collagen adequately. Then, a polyacid of larger molecular size is used to differentiate the tissue. It removes the stain from the bone and collagen. Finally, another fibre-specific contrast dye (aniline blue) is used that has larger molecular weight than the previous (acid fuchsin) dye. This dye is kept for optimum time to stain the collagen fibres only.
Masson trichrome stain
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