Immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining involves a procedure that may encounter obstacles. It's vital to address these issues adeptly to ensure outcomes and preserve the authenticity of your samples. Three common challenges in IHC staining are staining results, excessive background noise, and unspecific staining patterns.
Staining tissues with IHC is a method used in pathology to reveal antigens in tissue samples. This involves a series of steps including preparing the tissue, retrieving the antigen, blocking nonspecific binding, and applying primary antibodies for visualization.
Multiplex Immunohistochemical Kits (mIHC) are invaluable in immunology studies as they enable the simultaneous detection of multiple biomarkers in a single tissue sample.
IHC can identify different diseases and in particular cancer. With its ability to detect target antigens in tissue samples, it is the perfect tool to study cellular elements and their interactions.