The introduction of the P16/Ki-67 dual staining method by Celnovte marks a significant advancement in the fight against cervical cancer. Celnovte's reagents and instruments are designed to streamline the screening process. Our platform ensure high-quality staining, critical for accurate diagnosis.
MicroStacker™ Ultra Polymer Detection system, utilizing the "micro-polymer stacking method," is an innovation independently developed by Celnovte biotechnology R&D team. It represents a breakthrough in four core technologies: micropolymer scaffold, HRP layering, Fab' labeling, and Conjugation chemistry, for which it has been granted a national invention patent. This innovation marks the first domestically produced micro-polymer scaffold detection system, breaking the monopoly of imported products.
The MicroStacker™ technology allows well-controlled layered stacking of F(ab’) fragments of IgG secondary antibody and peroxidase enzymes on a micro-polymer scaffold, which results in a compact polymeric structure with superior sensitivity compared to other conventional HRP polymers with bulky dextran backbones. This system avoids the use of streptavidin and biotin, and therefore eliminates non-specific staining as a result of endogenous biotin. Herein, the Mouse-on-Mouse Polymer comprises of specially engineered anti-Mouse secondary antibody to eliminate the high backgrounds caused by endogenous mouse antibodies in mouse tissues.