NordiQC Assessment-ER mAb clone C6H7


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    Celnovte Biotechnology Progesterone receptor (PR)-mAb clone C4D10 has  got evaluation of the technical performance and level of analytical sensitivity and specificity of IHC tests
    performed by the NordiQC participants for demonstration of estrogen receptor (ER) expression in breast carcinomas. IHC, based on the rmAb clones SP1 and EP1, performed in a NordiQC reference laboratory served as reference standard methods and were used to identify breast carcinomas with the dynamic, diagnostic and critical relevant expression levels of ER. The obtained score in NordiQC is indicative of the performance of the IHC tests, but due to the limited number and composition of samples internal validation and extended quality control (e.g. regularly measurement of ER results) is needed.

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