Building 109, 1 Cuizhu Street, Zhengzhou, Henan, China
HCG is glycoprotein hormone, where the placental nourishment cells begin to produce HCG from 10 days to 12 days after pregnancy.During the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus needs HCG to maintain it, which is combined in the ovary progesterone to stimulate progesterone production, followed by progesterone to maintain the endometrial during secretion. HCG consists of two subunits,αand β. The α subunit of HCG is the same as that subunit of lutein, thyroid stimulating hormone and follicular stimulating hormone.The α common chain and hormone-specific β chain molecular weight were 14kD and 17kD, respectively. HCGβ.’s sub-subsyis is the only sub-base in the family of β.-sugar hormones that contains 29 amino acid sequences at the end of COOH. So far, It is currently believed that HCG- β sub-bases in the C end region play a role in the behavior of hetero-dipolymers within cells.
Pituitarygland tissue stained with HCGβ
CHR-0140 |
1ml |
3ml |
6ml |
0.1ml |
0.2ml |
Clone: Polyclonal
Source: Rabbit
Localization: Cytoplasm
Pretreatment:Thermal remediation
Applicable tissue: Paraffin section