Building 109, 1 Cuizhu Street, Zhengzhou, Henan, China
CD25 as antigen is an interleukin-2 receptor subunit with a molecular weight of 55KD.In the presence of mononuclear factor interleukin-1, activated T cells by antigen or mitogen rapidly synthesize and secrete interleukin-2 (il-2). Accordingly, T cell subsets express the high-affinity il-2 receptor.The proliferation of these cells enlarges the subsets of T cells that are capable of assisting, inhibiting, and cytotoxic functions.The il-2 receptor is not found only in T cells; it is reported to be expressed in htlv-transformed T cells and B cells, ebv-transformed B cells, granulocyte precursors, and oligodendrocytes.CD25 is not expressed in thymocytes, stationary T cells, inactive B cells, and nude cells.Il-2 receptor expression has been reported to be associated with inflammation and malignant lesions, lymphoma, autoimmune diseases, and allograft rejection.
Bone marrow tissue stained with CD25(Mouse)
CCM-0500 |
1ml |
3ml |
6ml |
Clone: 4C9
Source: Mouse
Localization: Membrane
Pretreatment: Thermal remediation
Applicable tissue: Paraffin section